by Al Peasland Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:42 pm
Hi Michael
Yes, please feel free to use whatever footage you have - so long as you get my good side on it
Marc - Nick pretty much summed it up. If you are talking about a group of individuals who have already set the fight in motion and at the point of kicking off - then a Fence tactic is only going to buy you an extra second or so - to get a better pre-emptive strike off on the first - and hopefully - most threatening individual in the group.
You are then fighting
I've said this many times - that I've seen alot of footage of people training "the Fence" and after taking out the first person - they resume a Fence position again. It looks very static, it looks very obvious and no longer serves the purpose.
Once you've hit someone - you've told everyone watching that you are now fighting - you might as well then put your guard up properly instead of just holding your arm out in front of you.
Your Fence should look natural - not obvious - it should be used to monitor the situation before it gets physical.
Done correctly it will help you control your own personal space, and afford you a little more time and a few more options before it kicks off.
It is not a magic pill - it will not fit every situation
If the first thing you know about a confrontation is a group of lads launching punches at your head - I would suggest, as Nick mentioned, forget your Fence and start fighting.