by Al Peasland Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:25 pm
Hi Matt
I'm probably the worst guy to offer advice when it comes to advertising.
My usual mistakes are to put too much information on the posters and fliers, making them too busy and this puts people off reading them.
Depends what kind of client/student you want to attract but for me, I am avoiding lots of aggressive looking images and going for something that has lots of smiling faces, where people viewing the poster see others having fun.
Just get the basics on there - where, when, how much, and your contact details
Give them something that leaves them wanting more info and how they can get it - once they are on the phone or emailing you, then you can offer more info and explain why your club is the best to train at.
A good friend of mine runs marketing courses, not for martial arts business, but it's all applicable.
There's lots of clever things you can include such as key words which are more likely to draw interest such as, DISCOVER the SECRETS, LEARN How You CAN, etc etc
Lots of advertisers use words like these to draw people in.
However, so long as your adverts are truthful and show integrity I'm sure they will be fine.
Anyone else on here with relevant experience?