Sunday 7th December 2008
Hosted by Lee Morrison's Urban Combatives
In the UK we are most fortunate to have a huge array of some of the best resident Self Protection and Combative instructors in the world. Many of these guys are well established veterans, such as Geoff Thompson, Dave Turton, Kevin O’Hagan, Jamie O’Keefe, Dennis Martin, Peter Consterdine, Mick Coup and Alan Charlton to name just a few; the list goes on and on. In addition to some of these guys, we are also fortunate to have a vast array of up and coming New-Blood instructors whose training lineage and personal experience, qualify them as the current vogue of new world realists within the realms of Self Protection and concepts of Personal Security.
Now for the first time, in one place, UC Services will be hosting a 5 hour seminar at one of Southampton’s most popular sporting venues, introducing four such individuals. The idea will incorporate four relatively new and up and coming as well as, already established Self Protection & Combatives Instructors; with the idea of generating exposure and profile for each, whilst offering a unique opportunity to train with some of the best New Breed Instructors that Britain has currently on offer.
Alan Peasland, Simon Squires, Chris Turbull and Lee Morrison: The latter will be both teaching, as well as introducing several of his most experienced instructors; all of who represent one part of the bill, leaving three other instructors making up the rest of the compilation for the day. These include Alan Peasland (one of Geoff Thompson’s most experienced seniors) along with a product of Dennis Martin’s CQB Services Instructor’s; Simon Squires (who is my professional opinion, one of the best Combative Instructors for teaching within the realms of non-compliant scenario and stress test training that Europe has ever seen) the final part of this medley is Chris Turnbull of the one area that I am concerned with, relating to Chris’s work focuses on the aspect and use of verbalisation in conjunction with situational control during a potentially violent confrontation, along with cultivating the projection of violent intent, (within this area, Chris certainly has something significant to teach, born from his live experience of working seventeen years as a nightclub doorman)
All seminar participants will be divided into four groups of approximate numbers between the four instructor groups. Each instructor will teach their respective group; for a duration of a 70 minute class, followed by a 15 minute break. From where each group will continue to rotate among the four instructors; with the said 15 minute break after each 70 minute class until all groups have had exposure and training time with all four instructors.
The cost for seminar entry is £75 for the days training and includes an event T-shirt for each student. Entry fee will include refreshments and light snacks throughout the day. Entry is dependant on reserving a place before the seminar date along with specification of T-shirt size. Places are limited; so please try to secure your place before hand via a £20 deposit. This event will be held at St.Mary’s Leisure Centre, St.Mary’s road, Southampton, Hampshire from 10.00am to 3pm.
A trade stand will be available on the day for DVD’S & Books representing each instructor’s material at discount seminar prices. This event will be professionally photographed and reviewed, in addition to being videoed for future production.