by Al Peasland Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:18 pm
Hi Marc
Yeah, it's been a while since I did anything with the PR24 or maglight but I do remember the training we did.
We trained with a guy called Dave Hastings and spent a days private training with him looking at the uses of the PR24, but predominantly the maglight, various sizes (6 cell, 4 cell, mini mag)
This was in the days when I was working the doors and it seemed like a good idea at the time to learn to be a bit more skilfull with something that I could carry in my car legally.
As Dave T has aleady said though. Whilst technically you may be within the law to have a large 6 cell maglight in the back of your car, the moment you decide to use it for anything other than shining light is when you have to consider your actions and decide if they are lawful.
The session itself was great, looked at ways to hold the various maglights, attacks, defence, weapon retention, etc etc
But in reality, it was just something to tick off a list, and not something that we took too seriously.
As Peter has already said, it's best not to rely on weapons because you start to become dependant on them, you start to need them to boltser your confidence and I can guarantee that sods law will step in and mean, when you most need the weapon, you won't have it to hand
Train your hands and feet so that they become your own weapons. They go everywhere with you - even through customs!
Take care