by Al Peasland Mon May 11, 2009 6:24 pm
I watched it withou sound so didn't get all of the story - but perhaps that's a good thing
Not brilliant
Jay Kay had his hands behind his back
The photographer had his arms folded - admittedly - in front of himself, which is good but he was doing nothing to control the space between himself and Jay Kay
However, if head butt is his preferred technique then maybe he likes people to be in his face and up that close - me, I like them at a little bit more distance where possible.
But, the head-butt was a very good pre-emptive strike in terms of the lack of warning and no real indication in the photographers body language prior to the strike so that was pretty good.
As I said, I didn't listen to the sound and I wasn't there to see the full story so I can only presume what lead to the whole thing.
I'm sure there was faults on both sides and for anything to escalate up to one person head butting another, it's a pretty bad state of affairs
But as a demo of a pre-emptive strike - it was good and bad in places in my opinion
Anyone else care to share their thoughts?