Jonny Figgis here from Dublin. Was e-mailing back and forth with Al Peasland recently and he said to check out the forum so here I am. I have to say congratulations to everyone involved; it's a great forum and I've learned some interesting stuff already. Also nice to see people I've either trained with, met or admire posting their views on various topics and I look forward to getting involved.
So, a little about me then....I started training when I was around eight or nine and trained on and off in various traditional arts. Over the last 10 years or so I've been cross training in Kenpo, Shotokan and Muay Thai but in more recent years I've been concentrating on the area of self protection. I've had the opportunity to train and learn from some great people namely Tony Somers, Matty Evans, Al Peasland, Jamie Clubb, Paddy Doyle, Mo Teague, Bill Kipp, and most recently completed Geoff Thompson's Masterclass. I hope to get to opportunity to train with some other people on my long list of great instructors next year! I'm currently on the Hard Target Instructors Programme and hope to grade for my 1st Dan sometime next year.
Looking forward to speaking with you all soon.
Best wishes to all